Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Final Blog

Oceanography was a very fun course, learning everything that is to know about the ocean. I learned many new things in this class. During this course we learned a numerous amount about the ocean and did a lot of labs.  There is so much living matter within the waters, and we hardly even know the half of it. We learned a lot about different historical figures as well such as Charles Darwin and Christopher Columbus. These historic figures were important to understanding how the history of our ocean originated. We also learned that most Hurricanes happen in the Summer because the temperatures are warmer. We also learned that the moon has a lot to do with the ocean and what and when tides happen. We also learned that deeper down in the ocean the water density is more dense which makes the water less warm. These new things i have learned during Oceanography give me a new sense of what is really going on in our Ocean. It also showed me how much more we need to figure out and how much of our ocean is truly a mystery. 

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